My good friend, Rob Sparks, who actually officiated my wedding ceremony....yes, he's a preacher...is not afraid to partake in a good time. He's certainly not an amateur when it comes to tipping the bottle, and in fact, I'd consider him one of the few scotch connoisseurs I know. I won't get into the details, but let's just say he had a really, really good time at our wedding. Such a good time, I must say, that the day after the picture below was taken, he "fed the fish" while fly fishing on the river in Whitefish.
Robert Sr. enjoying his single malt scotch and a cigar in Montana
For those of you that do not know Rob, he actually has a son (Robert Jr.) that is almost 2 years old, as well as another child on the way...due in May. Concerning little Robert, I just thought I would show the world that the apple definitely doesn't fall far from the tree. Knowing all that I do about Papa Sparks, it's going to be a blast watching this little man acquire his tastes....

Robert Jr. enjoying a nice imported pilsener
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