So I had a day from hell today. As a result, I decided to post a message and list the things that happened to me today and why I they drive me crazy:
Sunday drivers in the left hand laneWhy is it that people find it necessary to drive slowly in the "fast lane?" There are four lanes on I-75, one of which is the HOV lane. That means there are three extra lanes, two of which should be used by slowpokes. The lane next to the HOV lane is to be used by people who are either willing to go the speed limit, or are living on the edge by surpassing the speed limit. Either way, that lane is for those of us that have a sense of urgency. On my way to work this morning, I got behind a lady in a minivan who was completely unaware that she was going 45 MPH in a 65 MPH lane. Idiots like this are the ones that need to be given a ticket for just being an idiot. Oh, and the fact that she was on her cell phone takes me to my next frustration.
People who can't drive and talk on their cell phones at the same timeSo I'm behind this lady this morning, on my way to work, and I'm not exactly in a rush, but I like to at least go the speed limit....especially since there are extra lanes for the idiots. I get behind this minivan and like I said, it's going extremely slow. So I shift into the right lane and proceed to pass the lady, when I notice that she's ON HER CELL PHONE and is talking at 90 MPH to include using her hands. First of all, what in the hell is there to talk about at 7:00 AM in the morning? Who in their right mind would have that much to say that early in the morning? Even if you did have that much to say, do you have to talk about it at 7:00 AM? How do you get so involved in a conversation that you lose complete awareness of your surroundings? I wanted to follow her and then when she stopped somewhere, get out of my car, grab her cell phone, and beat the hell out of her with it. If you can't walk and chew gum, you obviously can't drive and talk on your cell phone at the same time. Again, IDIOTS!!!!
Rednecks that think this is "cool":
On my way to the airport this afternoon, I got behind a guy in a truck, and he had one of these decals on his back window. I see parents with their kids' school decals on their cars. I have a West Point decal on my back window. But what I don't understand is why someone would want to have a decal of a cartoon kid urinating on something. Frankly, it just amazes me, but my buddy Chris Collins says that's the best way to identify them. It may seem crazy, but at least you now know how to identify ignorant rednecks.
People who think you want to hear their cell phone conversationsSo I get to the airport and I'm standing in the security line, and there's a woman two lines over from me, and she's talking on her cell phone. I could have heard her if I were at the Memphis airport. Why on Earth does she think ANYONE would want to hear her conversation? I don't care, and no one else does. So why strain your vocal cords by talking so loudly? I got on the plane and the guy that sat directly behind me was doing the same thing. I was seconds away from turning around and telling him to tone it down, when he hung up the phone. It just amazes me that some people are that clueless. Or that they really think we care what they're talking about. Again, IDIOTS.
People that have a wireless headset and now think they need to wear it all day longNow I'm a gadget guy, and I'd love to have a phone that supports Bluetooth wireless headsets. One day I hope to have one, and when that day comes, I promise you I won't walk around all day with a headset on my ear. Nothing looks more ridiculous than some idiot that's walking around with this crap covering his ear, but he's not talking or using his phone. really makes you super cool to walk around with a piece of plastic sticking out of your ear. I guess that means you're really "hip" and "with it." Guess what?! YOU'RE NOT!! YOU'RE A DORK!! When you're done, take it out of your ear!!! IDIOTS!
People who use the word "like" at least five times per sentenceSo I get to Dallas tonight after my flight was delayed an hour, and I go to grab some late night grub. I sit next to a table of kids, and I swear, every single one of them used the word "like" at least 200 times over the course of the conversation. Now I was a child of the 80's and I certainly remember the days of the Valley Girls. But this is different. The year is 2005 people. "Like, I went over Missy's house, and she was like, not home, so I like, went back home and like called her on my cell phone, and I was like, 'Missy...where are you? And she was like, I'm not home...and I was like, I know where are you?...." Isn't that absolutely ridiculous?! Once again, IDIOTS!!
Well, that's it for now. I'll probably post more after I run into more ignorant people tomorrow....