Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Great concert

Since Hadley's in France for 10 days, I took advantage of my "free time" and decided to go out and see a show. Glen Phillips, former lead singer for Toad the Wet Sprocket, played at the Variety Playhouse last night. A new band out of Nashville, Blue Merle, opened for him, and to be honest, they were the real reason I went to see the show. If you like Coldplay, you'll absolutely LOVE Blue Merle. Their lead singer is a dead ringer for Chris Martin. The only difference is that Blue Merle adds a stand-up base, mandolin player, and a violinist. I know...sounds like a strange combo....but I promise you...give these guys one listen, and you'll be sold...COMPLETELY.

Blue Merle - April 12th, 2005 - Variety Playhouse

Glen Phillips was awesome. To be honest, although I have a few of his solo records, I've never listened to them. I know, I know...weird, but what the heck! Anyway, I was really surprised...he had a full backing band and his solo act really sounds like Toad the Wet Sprocket. It's weird...for years, I listened to Toad and never really knew any of the names of the guys in the band. Then they break up, Glen goes solo, and now you realize that HE was Toad the Wet Sprocket. He played a lot of his solo stuff, but he also played lots of old Toad favorities. Definitely a great night of live music!!

Glen Phillips - April 12th, 2005 - Variety Playhouse

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