* Hewlett Packard invents its first personal computer
* Mount St. Helen erupts in Washington, causing $3 billion in damage
* CNN is launched in the US
* Saddam Hussein is selected President of Iraq
* Jimmy Carter is defeated by Ronald Reagan in the US presidential election
* Richard Pryor is badly burned trying to freebase cocaine
But most importantly....
Mrs. Beverly Lilly had the best class of 3rd grade students she'd ever had...

Front Row, Left to Right: Glenn Krohn, (can't remember), John Judkins, Sylbia Spencer, Tiffany Agnew, Tracy Haskett, Ashley Atkins, Stephanie Knight, Ashley Calvery, Carlos Hill
Middle Row, Left to Right: Jeff Williams, Eric Patterson, Neil Jones, Brett Butler, Latonia Boseman, Stephanie Patterson, Jeffrey Droke, Judy Whitehurst, Melinda Williams
Back Row, Left to Right: Mrs. Beverly Lilly, Brett Garrett, Jake Laughlin, Myers Huggins, Weston White, Phil Payne, Myra Caruth (Principal)
We were a tough group of kids, huh? Back in the days of socks over your knees and haircuts that looked like football helmets. You'll notice that Melinda Williams is on the end of the middle row, really far away from me. This could have been before I carved "J+M" into my bedside table. Or perhaps we were just in a spat that day. Brett Garrett actually got braces that year...he was the first person I'd ever seen with braces at our age. Latonia sucked her thumb and while her thumb was in her mouth, she put her index finger up her nose...that's a hard one to forget.
Glenn Krohn and I were inseparable at this stage of our lives. We lived in the same neighborhood and were always on our bikes, in the woods, or down at Phillips Creek. Glenn taught me how to eat the onions that grew in our yards....I guess a wild version of the chive. He also had one of the most incredible matchbox car collections in the world...he had every car in every color and he kept them in a gigantic, double-sided tackle box that he'd gotten at Lonnie's Sporting Goods. I asked for matchbox cars for my birthday, Christmas and Easter, but I never caught up with Glenn's collection. Glenn also loved to fish...we'd grab our poles and walk up to North Hills, where there were two ponds side by side. Glenn had a dog named Pepper, and I had a dog named Rip, and we'd take them up there, as well. I never was that good at fishing, so Glenn usually caught all the fish...and the dogs did a great job chasing the ducks and pretty much ruining the fishing when possible. Glenn's house was also the central meeting point for most of us in the neighborhood. At that time, they had more pine trees in their yard than I'd ever seen. We had bike trails and forts all over the place. But the best part was INSIDE. Glenn's house had "secret" attics upstairs, where we could crawl around and hide from anything and everything. We spent probably more time hiding from each other in those attics than we did doing anything else. There was also a really long banister on the staircase leading upstairs. That was a pretty fun thing to slide down. But the laundry chute was the best...the upstairs bathroom was directly over the laundry room downstairs, so they had a laundry chute that dropped towels and clothes down into the room below. I guess it was our luck that the chute was also big enough for a kid to fit through it.....
Well, I could go on and on about Glenn/Jake stories...like throwing all of his toys off the second story balcony and into the front yard....or the scary man that lived in a bus in the woods across the street from Glenn.....but I'll have to get into that later. THANK YOU to the person that sent me the 3rd grade picture...your name will remain anonymous, but only if you keep sending me some good stuff to reflect on and talk about!!! Ha!!
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