Thursday, November 18, 2004

There's one in every town...

Every town has one. Every kid in America can reflect back and remember that one kid that was just a little "out there." That one kid that kept to himself. That one kid that watched a TON of television. He might not have played Dungeons & Dragons, but he loved Star Trek. Or better yet, STAR WARS. Yes, indeed. And he even collected the Star Wars action figures. Perhaps he even carried them around in a tacklebox that kept them neatly organized and safe from harm's way. He was good at remembering the names of each of them...their weapons...their specific strengths and weaknesses. Their enemies. Everything....

I knew one or two (that will go un-named, mind you) that were pretty into all that crap. Don't get me wrong....I loved Star Wars and even The Empire Strikes Back. But I left it at that. No action figures. No tackleboxes. My buddy Glenn Krohn had dozens of Hot Wheels cars that he kept in tackleboxes...but that was COOL. We all envied his awesome car collection. But there were one or two guys that were really into the Star Wars thing.....but this beats anything I've ever seen...

The year is 2002. You're a lonely, overweight, Canadian teenager that somehow got into Star Wars despite not even being born when it debuted in the 70's. I guess since they're still releasing "new" episodes, kids can still get pretty into the sega.'re a fat 15 year old kid, at school, and you sneak into the school video studio and record yourself fighting a mock battle with a golfball retriever lightsaber. And you even add your own soundeffects, too. But something terrible happens. You keep the tape and take it home, but your friends find the tape, and upload it to KaZaA as a joke. Within two weeks, someone adds full Star Wars special effects and sound effects to the tape, and to this day, over 15 million people across the world have watched you fight imaginary storm troopers, Darth Vader, and God knows what else.

I'm sure some of you have seen these before. If you haven't, I'm sure you'll laugh your ass off. Here's the second clip....Star Wars Kid Part 2...

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